Friday, May 13, 2016

HobbyKing Aether 3.7 Review Part 4

Attaching the Pod and the Boom

Carefully separated all the jig parts from he plywood. Its important to make sure the edges are flat.

Make sure that you have an area big enough to place the plane flat on the floor ideally with the wings assembled. (or at least the center section of the wings). Must make sure that everything is aligned and the vertical stab is at right angles with the wing. The jig will make sure the incidence angles are correct.

There is only one part to glue but you must make sure that the bottom of the jig is straight. I used Gorilla Glue and clamped the parts

I sanded the boom because I wanted to make sure I was gluing the carbon fiber to the fiberglass and not to the paint.

Manual indicates to use 30 min Epoxy. I used Gorilla Glue.
After the jig dries you assemble it in a flat area. There is no need to glue the other parts but make sure that you assemble the jib properly. The parts fit in only one position.

Following the instructions i used rubber bands to secure the fuselage to the jig and then laid on the floor making sure that everything was aligned properly.
Gorilla glue needs to be clamped for 30 minutes and cures completely in 24 hours. I let the whole assembly sit there for 24 hours.

Go to Part 5
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  1. Hello Robert, you are not only talented but hardworking and passionate too. I wish to see complete and more pictures of your projects. Good luck.

  2. By reading your posts and following the instructions, even a beginner like me can learn to construct flawlessly. You are extremely talented and have a big heart to share your talent with everone. Thanks a million.
